

The Spiritual Law of PURIFICATION Your aura surrounds your physical body as well as your etheric body.  If your essence is pure your aura is a huge light surrounding you and protecting you.  If you have unresolved issues, they show as dirty marks or shadows.  A person who is ill or in shock might have a wispy or even non-existent aura, while someone very negative would be surrounded in a dark or heavy aura. When your aura is totally clear and pure, no harm can befall you.  No negative energy, person or situation can penetrate your aura.  Fear lets in hurt, damage and/or danger.  Purity confers safety. The more we evolve, the brighter the spotlight on us, so that our dark spots can be revealed.  When someone serves us by pointing out a negative spot in our aura, we call it ‘pushing our buttons’.  We often consider them to be ‘difficult’ or ‘challenging’ people.      Old resentments, hurts and angers au...


The Spiritual Law of KARMA   The energy of thoughtfulness, kindness and graciousness are considered to be ‘good karma’.  When you send these energies out, they will be returned to you in kind. Hate, anger and resentment are damaging energies.  When you send out these negative energies, they too will return to you in some form. The Universal Spiritual Law of Karma is ‘as you give so you shall receive’, or ‘you reap what you sow’.  Bad deeds and thoughts return to you, as do kind, thoughtful deeds.  To the exact extent that you live these qualities, you will receive an equivalent back into your life, at some time.  Karma is recorded and balanced.  Loving thoughts, emotions, deeds and words are ‘credits’.  Negative ones are ‘debits’.  The Universe calls these up when we least expect it.       Your family is also your karma.  Your soul chooses your family before you are born.  Difficult fam...


The Spiritual Law of MIRACLES On Earth we live in a heavy vibration. This heavy vibration is subject to the Law of Karma . The Divine frequency dissolves and transmutes our lower energy, and a miracle occurs.  This is the Spiritual Law of Miracles. As the worldwide consciousness rises, more and more people are accessing the Divine and consequently more people are experiencing miracles. Genuine forgiveness and unconditional love are Divine energies which allow miracles to happen. Miracles are a natural result of the activation of higher energies. When we ask the angels , ascended masters or any being from the spiritual hierarchy of light to help us, we draw in the Divine frequency which transcends our physical laws. Synchronicity and coincidences are forms of miracles. Spiritual forces are working behind the scenes to co-ordinate the Universe to make sure that pre-destined meetings and events take place. Coincidences and synchronicities are directed by God (Uni...

UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL LAWS: The Laws of Higher Frequency - The Spiritual Law o...

UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL LAWS: The Laws of Higher Frequency - The Spiritual Law o... :   ... Fear is a heavy vibration and a low frequency. In contrast, peace, calmness, love and harmony are light vibrations with a high frequency. Anger and rage are low vibration energies. Underlying them is always fear and a feeling of powerlessness or vulnerability. When we stay calm and centered, we sustain a high vibration.  We are empowered. When we hold this energy we can speak our truths and live with integrity and be our authentic selves. Animals respond to frequencies of which we as humans are not aware. A dog growls if you are frightened of it, and a horse will immediately know if you are scared and will respond accordingly. If you are feeling strong, confident and loving, all creatures (humans, animals and plants) will respond positively to the high frequency you emit. Angels have a very high frequency vibration.  Thinking of them or connect...